speaker degradation question

I know this isn't a brilliant question, but every salesman I speak to obviously tells me to replace my Linn Helix front channels because they are 8 years old. I burned them in properly and they still perform perfectly. I am told to upgrade because they were not designed for both HT and Stereo. Thoughts and suggestions appreciated, thanks.
Add a good subwoofer for HT if you like your main speakers. The salesman is doing what all salesmen try to do...make you discontent with what you have in hopes that you'll buy the latest "hot" item. It's not like he doesn't profit when you fall for his line and buy his goods...:)
Justy-Plato is right. The only different requirement for HT is a good subwoofer for the effects channel (and maybe another if your L&R have no real bass, like my NHT Superzero's). If you are going to upgrade, spend the $ on a good center channel that matches well tonally with your L&R. And of course at least equally good speaker cable for the center.
I have an excellent sub, (sunfire signature) and a center that i feel is timbre matched (Sonus Faber). I suppose my question should be, loudspeakers have not changed much enough in the past decade for me to worry about obsolesence, right ?
Justy: If you find your current speakers/sub musically satisfying by all means use them for home theater. New does not neccesarily make better. Do not fall for the salesman's hype.
Justy, there have been alot of changes(more so in formats) in the past 10 years, but there are a number or great speakers being made with technology arround 10 years ago. I aggree with above, if you like the sound stick with what you have. Another idea would be to audition some of these new up-to-date speakers. If a saleman tells you there would be significate changes, make him put up. Most quality dealers will let you try them in your home. A/B them against yours. If the difference isn't worth the money, tell the salesman he was wrong. Have fun and happy listening...LR