My friend uses the ARC Ref. 2 with his M2.2s, and that combo sounds great. (Albeit with the normal tube rushing noise.) Tube rolling will solve some, but not all, of the tube rushing issue.
The Lamm preamp has quite a bit less of this tube rushing noise, but does not have the features that the Ref. 2 has, such as a remote, or balanced inputs, or nearly the number of inputs. (Having only 3 SE inputs and no remote does limit the Lamm preamp, although sonically, it is tough to fault. Well, except for the dual volume controls! Personally, I am with you and I really want a remote, if only to control the volume.)
I use the Ayre K-1XE preamp with my M2.1s, which (obviously, being a solid state preamp), removes the tube rushing from the equation. It has a remote, albeit a very basic remote that only controls volume and muting. I like it a lot, (especially since my ears are particularly sensitive to tube rushing), and it has a very good phono section, something the ARC and Lamm don't offer. However, if you like the sounds of tubes, (and who doesn't? Well, besides me!), and don't mind the tube rushing noise, then you'll need to look elsewhere.
If you like ARC products, check out a used ARC Ref. 2 here on Audiogon. If you like it, great, you saved a bunch of money. If not, sell it and try something else. (Buying it used will allow you to try it relatively cheaply, even if you have to resell it eventually.)
My two cents worth anyway!
Good luck in your search.
The Lamm preamp has quite a bit less of this tube rushing noise, but does not have the features that the Ref. 2 has, such as a remote, or balanced inputs, or nearly the number of inputs. (Having only 3 SE inputs and no remote does limit the Lamm preamp, although sonically, it is tough to fault. Well, except for the dual volume controls! Personally, I am with you and I really want a remote, if only to control the volume.)
I use the Ayre K-1XE preamp with my M2.1s, which (obviously, being a solid state preamp), removes the tube rushing from the equation. It has a remote, albeit a very basic remote that only controls volume and muting. I like it a lot, (especially since my ears are particularly sensitive to tube rushing), and it has a very good phono section, something the ARC and Lamm don't offer. However, if you like the sounds of tubes, (and who doesn't? Well, besides me!), and don't mind the tube rushing noise, then you'll need to look elsewhere.
If you like ARC products, check out a used ARC Ref. 2 here on Audiogon. If you like it, great, you saved a bunch of money. If not, sell it and try something else. (Buying it used will allow you to try it relatively cheaply, even if you have to resell it eventually.)
My two cents worth anyway!
Good luck in your search.