Pre-amp or Pre-pro,, which one to get ?

I have been putting together a system. Here's what I want the pre (amp or pro)to go with. B&W N805's with HTM2 center, a Belles 3 channel 150A, an Arcam alpha 8se and a Sony C650D DVD player. I have rears and a sub too. Right now I am using a Marantz SR7000 to drive the rears and as the pre-pro. I would like to improve my 2 channel sound (HT is already good enough). Are there Pre-amps that somehow have a pass through for a separate surround sound processor? Would I be better off getting a really good 2 channel preamp or a pre-pro (like a Proceed AVP)? Someone suggested using a Vandy processor? Please give your suggestions....
Second that sounds right to me. Once we get the DSP'd signal looped back into the preamp something's gotta regulate it. Shortening the signal path by bypassing the preamp's volume control sounds like a good idea. Cool.
I have built a switching box to allow for dual pre-amps. Switch one way for stereo and the other for video. I agree with others that it is a pain in the neck trying to decide on the Pre/Pro route. If I were to look at new Pre's I'd probably have a look at the VTL 2.5 or 5.5 depending on budget. In the mean time just make a switch between your amp and pre. I use a classe 5 for audio and just a Denon reciever with pre outs for video(AVP1800). Make sure you use quality switches, wire and jacks. Bought mine at the Parts Connection.
Two years ago Avitar I did the same thing you're contemplating. I sold a SF Line 1 and a modest receiver based HT system, and bought a Meridian 561 pre/pro. Since then I have bought new L/R speakers, and made some other changes to improve two channel playback, but have been limited by my 561. I looked into the 568 as an upgrade, but as John_1 mentions pre/pros loose their value very quickly and become a bottleneck to upgrading your digital front end in the future. This past weekend I auditioned an ARC LS25 preamp with my Meridian 508.24 (used as a transport today w/561). The transformation was dramatic. If you're priority is music use a quality two channel analog preamp and pair it with a less expensive pre/pro, something like a used Lexicon DC-1 for movies. Many preamps today have a processor input that allows your pre/pro to control the volume of the L/R channels during movie playback.
I would like to know, Tom, your Line-1 had a ss thruput. was it not a very good pre-amp compared to the Meridian that you replaced it with? It seems that you changed your system to find out that you should have stayed with the original setup of line-1 and reciever...or am I missing something