Widening my soundstage

I can't seem to get my Spendor S-100s to soundstage any wider than the speakers themselves. They're off all walls. Been toed in, toed out, placed on axis, moved, tilted, turned, twisted... Powered by Jolida int. tube amp. Arcam CD. Cardis interconnects. Speaker cables = weakest link = heavy gauge Monster cable copper. Could that be it? Suggested repacements????
Go to Immediasound.com and read the Audio Physic speaker placement guide. It's a different approach than most others. Also, try the Cardas.com speaker placement, which is opposite of Immedia's approach. If you get the same results, it's your speakers or music your listening to. I used to use Cardas i/c's. They are fine. You should try their speaker cable, you'll be amazed at the step up. Might be best to keep the same brand of ic's and speaker cables, they tend to complitment one another.
Check "phase" (positive to positive & negative to negative) of all interconnects & speaker cables. I've found with own system going back to basics is where problem sometimes lies. Equipment sounds to be better than mine. No problem there. Although you may want to upgrade to "better" speaker cables. Follow manufacturer recommendations and/or plug "speaker placement" into favorite search engine. My favorite is http://members.ams.chello.nl/rabru/speaker.html
What are the demensions of you room, where are your speakers placed, and where do you sit?
First thing I'd do is replace the Monster speaker cable with something of Cardas Golden Cross which is a bit on the pricey side but it'd be well worth it then listen again. I'd bet you're glad you did!
Listen, don't do anything yet! If you really want to get down to it start by ruling out the obvious and least expensive stuff first. Answer the above earlier post. Also give info. on the type of room you have, i.e., sheet rock, plaster, ect., location of windows, location of furnishings and any room treatments you have applied. Then wait for feedback. Unless you have these first principle correct, that is properly placed speakers, listening chair and room treatment, the rest of the suggestions are putting the horse in front of the cart. Get this correct first then look at your other variables. $2,000,000 worth of cabling or equipment switching is less effective then proper set up!