AC line conditioners - Need Help

Hi Need advice on line conditioners in order to get pure, clean (and safe) power. Reasonable price only. Thanks.
The HTS-1000 sounds like an HTS-2000 only if you don't use the high current section of the 2000. If you have separates, the 2000 is a significant upgrade. If you can find an HTS-5000 at a discount, it will blow you away; the only thing I've heard better is the PS Audio.
I got the Monster HTS 5000. It is a very good unit. If you shop, you can get it at $399.00. It's worth every penny.
whichever conditioner ya use, it's my opinion that there's *no* reasonably-priced unit that won't restrict the dynamics of yer amps, unless yure running low-power amps in a small room. unless ewe can afford big-bucks on something like a ps-audio p-1200, take the risk & plug the amps straight into the wall. put radio-shack ferrite magnets on the cords to reduce noise.
Changlightspeed power conditioners are the only ones I have heard that don't restrict dynamics in any way and do what most CLAIM to do. Their basic model for $300 is the best bang for the buck IMHO. Go to their website to get info on their engineering philosophy. I have $15,000 worth of electronics hooked up to their cls3200 and twice have experienced a massive power surge that cut the power on everything in my home but my stereo did'nt blink once. (I keep my system on all the time.)
First of all, THANK you all for answering! Very usefull information. Nevertheless, I will provide some more details about my audio system and again wait for your comments. I have a quite simple system: an 150 wpc integrated amplifier (Plinius 8150) + an integrated CDP (Meridian 508.24) + a pair of Sonus Faber Guarneri. So, what I need is a unit in which I can connect both the amp and the CDP (nothing else) without damaging sound dynamics and purity. It also must be prepared for European voltage (230) and outlets. Thanks again.