I am sorry for making you feel so threatend it was not my intent to. When I started to relay my passion for this idea it was not to destroy any credibility in what you have been able to acomplish with your manufacturing of stands or racks, I didnt know just how many how many sales reps and manufactures work this site to promote. Although what i have discoverd and shared on this site seams to contradict conventional ideas in some ways it actualy suports them I have helped explain some of the laws of physics that support isolation theory such as airborne resonance and coulomb friction "NAMED AFTER FRENCH PHYSICIST CHARLES AUGUSTINE DECOULOMB BORN IN 1736" I have shared and supported the platform for you products to have value based on science you sould know that. I di not say your were the best scientific approch as I do not belive that and for that I am sorry, convince me.
The real issue at hand is that you have questioned my personal credibility and that of the product I belive in,with no basis of fact simply suggesting science itself is vodo and that I am out to use big words. The people that you are suggesting can not understand me do not seem to share the opinion that this, with exception of one or two. is over thier heads in fact most of them interested have probablly started to educate themselfs to see if these sciences exist if they are in doubt I suggest you do the same. If you can build the argument you have tried on "site related" that all these facts I have pointed out will not be credible any more.Well I'm not Al Gore and your not president and I hope youy need khowledge and fact to win an argument here not just good diversion tacticts. It is anyones right to opinion people here are free to think suggest and even have commitment. My commitment is much larger than I could have ever thought possilbe I am changing carrers and hope to work directly for starsound as I belive in what they do.Currently this is the best I can do in your country just spread the word and anser questions just like everyone here I find myself losing sleep over a rack company I truly believe in. I live in canada but share this idea all over the world via internet so others may learn and enjoy as I have. I have educated myself on the principles of how it works. Becuse of my understanding of coulomb friction and forced dampened vibration I now consider myself experienced enough to share this Knowledge.
Tell me, with the exeption of hinerd sales of your product, and with some evidence to back it up, where these studies of science have went wrong.Without these studies of resonance and the fact that none of our tweaks would work without this interaction of them.
You must know this if you have even a resnonable under standing of what it is I am talking about if not look it up please.I urge you to discover the truth you may learn somthing!
Keep you ear tuned!
You have said you were in the starsound room, you then being an expert in the feild know it works. Then the fact remains that in order to feel like you have acomplised winning this argument it needs to be about who I am and ignore the real topic, am I right, am I studied on this topic, am I honest, and does this sistrum rack really work so well.
Yes! Yes! Yes! and Yes! Forgive me for being frank.