Isolation vs. Absorbtion

I am new to the audiophile hobby, and I am confused by what appears to be subjectivity and contradictions. When "mounting" a cd player and other components, is it best to use Soft Pads which ISOLATE vibration and RETAIN internal component vibration, OR is it best to use Hard Cones, which DRAIN (harmful) component vibrations into shelf material. Secondly, is it best to attach shelving to racks so that shelving makes Direct (hard) Contact - OR, should the shelving be Isolated from rack? Is there a scientific, indisputable answer?
Thank you most kindly for posting the Inner Ear report.
I find your Coulomb based model intriguing.
I am,however,*as yet* unconvinced that my own assessment of the mechanisms at work differs to any significant degree in the actual application(ie-rapid evacuation/selective broadband filtering/damping within the leg structure/rigid grounding to earth).
In the development of my own product, I use a model which aligns itself quite closely in philosophy with that which you propose tho the approach is signifcantly different.The main thing is that those models work consistantly and predictably for each of us.
I found conceptual agreement in your T.H.E. Show sample and wish you much success.I believe that we have far more in common than would be indicated by the unforunate turn that this thread has taken.
As I view your product, it is also one of the very few concerned with the preservation of temporal, dynamic and microdynamic qualities of music reproduction as opposed to the preponderance of devices on the market that ulitize the bludgeon approach to isolation or tune for special effects to the detriment of the vitality and communicative qualities of the music.

Ken Lyon
Ken, you are being too kind. For a manufacturer to post a review of their product on this site and get away with it is appalling, much as I was interested in reading it. Am I getting too concerned about the thin edge of the wedge? Maybe. But this company does not seem to have any shame or ethics, or perhaps it is just plain dim.
No, Redkiwi, it wasn't just your sensibiities that were offended by that shamless plug. Mine, too. Pardon my harping on ethics yet again, but as with basic courtesy toward our fellow man ethics are apparently in short supply these days and the availability is seemingly rapidly dwindling. Somewhere down the line being self-centered and super egocentric became not only socially acceptable, but almost admired. By some people that is; not by me. Just call me old fashioned.

Add yet another business to the black list...
Hello Ken,

I hope my placement of the review did not offend you. I have very little time to converse through typing as I wanted to provide you a third party’s investigation into the merit of our product and studies and provide some answers to your questions.

I really enjoyed your analogy of our product function as I now can see a clear almost parallel realization about both companies’ desires for maintaining musical performance and dynamics throughout the playback process.

It would be fun to position you and our Senior Designer, Brent Riehl, in the same room and start the tape rolling. I am sure the results would be flat out encouraging.

Are you attending the Le Festival Son & Image this month in Montreal?

If so we can hook up there. If not maybe at the show in New York?

I look forward to meeting you in person.

Very truly yours,

Robert Maicks
Star Sound Technologies, LLC
I just re-read all the posts from 2/13/01 to 3/08/01 and in all honesty am not sure what has happened here. It would seem to me that Dr.A was able to appear above board in the end after trying to dodge the questions posed and underhandedly promote a product for his own personal gain. At the same time Ken came off as way to forgiving and a man of incredible integrity and control. Some how Dr. A was able to fill a full month of advertising his products name without really telling me anything, and Ken chose not to self promote his fantastic product at all. Will the good guy win? I hope we all boycott Dr. A's product until we recieve a full and honest apology, and maybe an honest aproach to marketing. I'm still at a lose as to what I've learned regarding Isolation vs. Absorbtion, and that saddens me. I for one am asking Dr.A to take a period of time off from or site until he can learn the value of honesty and fair play. For all the good you Dr.A could have brought to this discussion, I see nothing of value added by your free month of self promotion. I will end now before I start to say things not intended to say.

P.S. Thank-you Redkiwi for all your guidence on shelving. My Neuance shelf has settled in very nicly and all the attributes you identified have come through. Also for the sake of Ken's lack of self promotion, I will step in and take over. THE NEUANCE PRODUCT IS A FANTASTIC SHELFING PRODUCT OUT PROFORMING MY OTHER SHELF PRODUCT AT ONLY HALF THE COST. A GREAT PRODUCT, SUPER PERSONAL SERVICE AND AN HONEST TIME LINE. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK KEN, AND PLEASE EVERYONE TRY THIS PRODUCT, YOU'LL LOVE IT!