Power Conditioner for your amplifier?

Lately, I've been toying with the idea of trying a power conditioner on my amplifier (ARC VT-100 MkII). I know there has been much written about going straight into the wall with your amp (which is what I am doing currently), but has anyone had any luck with plugging your amplifier into a conditioner? Specifically, I've been thinking of a non-limiting device, such as a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet or a UPC-200.
Has anyone had success using a power conditioner on your amplifier - yes / no? Any thoughts and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. In advance, thanks, and happy listening!
We seem to ne paralleing each other lately Antonio. My DNA-225 Platinumsounds best stright into a 20A dedicated via a Shunyata Taipan. Tried a few conditioners, too, to worse effect. They're fine for the front end stuff, but not the amp.
Dedicated line from the wall, regardless what people have experienced improvement wise with these super pricey conditioners its a very slim chance the return is 90% the performance of a guaranteed return with a dedicated heavy gauge power line straight from the box going into a solid hospital grade plug.
Hello 4yanx: A pleausure reading your comments at this Forum. I know you have the McCormack DNA225 Platinum Edition, isn't that a great one ? what a sound amigo ! clarity, soundstage, inner detail, sense of inmediacy, etc. I have some questions to you: what damping/isolation Vibration Systems have you tried ? results and comments please ? I have mine over a Set of Walker Audio Super Tune Kit with good results, and thinking on upgrading to a Set of Mega Feet from www.mapleshaderecords.com (which I have under my Castle Classic Active Subwoofer with outstanding improvement, they are very massive, 7 pounds + each one) and over my McCormack Amplifier I have a set of two Harmonic Resolution Damping Plates from www.avisolation.com with polished Marble Plates over them to maximize their contact with the amp and to add some damping control as well. Another question to you is the following: when I called Steve McCormack asking about this subject he recommended me Apex Feet (from Grand Prix) have you tried the Apex feet ? I would like to order them but they around & 750.00 I think. Final Question 4yanx, I understand you have panel speakers ? which ones ? and what about your Speaker Cables ? I have a pair of Ribbons the Superslim 1800se from www.ambiencespeakers.com.au they are the second of the line and the second of the line of Transparent Bi-wire Speaker Cable, excellent ones. Looking forward news from you amigo, Best, Antonio Machado.
Another Vote here for a Dedicated Power line, I run 8 awg cabling with 2 live 110 volt lines into an Isolation transformer that turns 220 into 110 volts avoiding the street ground...
I tried to go back to the wall outlet and it was completely laughable...
It makes more difference in my system than changing DAC or transport....
Hello amigo Jsadurni, good to know your Positive Experience with a Dedicated Power Line, that has been the best improvement ever to my Two-chanel System, combined with the Richard Gray Power Company 240 Sub Station and 1200s Power Line Conditioner. Expensive and highly effective. What Isolation Transformer do you have (Step Down Transformer from 220 to 110) ? Do you combine it with any Power Line Conditioner ? Best, Antonio Machado.