Power Conditioner for your amplifier?

Lately, I've been toying with the idea of trying a power conditioner on my amplifier (ARC VT-100 MkII). I know there has been much written about going straight into the wall with your amp (which is what I am doing currently), but has anyone had any luck with plugging your amplifier into a conditioner? Specifically, I've been thinking of a non-limiting device, such as a PS Audio Ultimate Outlet or a UPC-200.
Has anyone had success using a power conditioner on your amplifier - yes / no? Any thoughts and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. In advance, thanks, and happy listening!
Let me reiterate. I am not recommending all power conditioners on all power amps. I find most conditioners harm everything more than they help and most conditioners probably cannot handle big power amps. I have owned 45 different transformers, regenerators, line filters, and other devices for improving the quality of the ac coming to my equipment. All but three, I found to harm more than they helped. I mentioned the Sound Application because Oneobgyn mentioned he had one. I suspect that my experiences may not transfer to others, so I will not mention others. I have not tried the Running Springs unit.
Hola señor poeta!
I have to admit I have not tried a lot of power conditioners...maybe I should...
I am using a 10Kv I think isolation transformer which is kind of a monster, the small shop that wound it locally said it could stand easily the whole house! Thats what I want I answered! I run my whole system through it, both amps and sources, I do star wire everything from the transformer output.
Soundwise everything is more transparent, details jump at you from everywhere, no loss of dynamics at all and with my passive preamp my audio buddies said it has too much detail and not enough silences...you go figure.
Going back to the wall outlet makes everything harsh and adds two blankets over the speakers.

I have never tried the dedicated power lines directly with no Isolation transformer since I have everything hard wired of course to an independent breaker, I will give a try though...
into PS Audio P1000 Power Plant ? I have tried my McCormack DNA225 "Platinum Edition" with the Hydra and I went back to the wall, then with the RGPC1200s and again back to the wall. Now I have it plugged directly into one of the four outlets of the Richard Gray Power Company 240 Volts Sub Station (a stepdown transformer, 240 volts in / 120 volts out) with the best results. A dedicated 240 volts Power Line feeds that Sub Station and then directly to the amplifier. I was just wondering if any of you guys have had experiences plugging your amps into the PS Audio P1000 Power Plant ? Best, Antonio Machado.
Antoniomachado, let me ask you to please list the power cord you had from the Hydra to the wall and power cord from you DNA-225 into Hydra. Because I had only positive experience with Hydra and DNA-225.
I'm just curious what you've been using for power cords. I'll try the amp again direct into the wall after I receive it from SMc next week. But I'm pretty sure the results wouldn't vary between the upgraded amp and stock.

The better power cord should be between Hydra and the wall. That's not sying that you can live with a stock cord on the 225 though. You still need a good one there as well.
A pleausure receiving your message. From the Hydra to the wall I have the stock Power Cord with NEMA lock required, the one that came with the unit. I think I might upgrade it. Now, from the Richard Gray Power Company to the McCormack DNA225 "Platinum Edition" Power Amplifier I have the King Cobra v.1 (from Power Snakes), that made a substancial difference. Other Power Cords I have in my System are Acoustic Zen Krakatoa, and many other brands and models. For my amp I prefer the King Cobra v.1 so far.
Best, Antonio Machado. P.S.: so based on what you say I asumme your amp is now being upgraded ? if so, you'll listen a major improvement when you receive it. Good luck, let us know your experiences/comments on that great amp. Best, Antonio Machado.