Converting balanced to RCA?

I was just given a Panasonic DAT Recorder. It has balanced analog in/outs. Is there an easy way of converting this to RCA type connectors so I can interface it with my pre-amp?

Balanced Audio Technology make real nice adaptors that will suit your purpose well. Check them out at:

Though the adaptors do not show on the web page, you will be able to contact them for a dealer local to you who stocks 'em.

Good luck!

go to your local pro-audio store, ya know - the obnes that sell to musicians, w/all the stage amps/speakers/instruments, etc. they should be able to sell ya some neutrik rca-xlr adaptors for <$10 each - yust as good as the bat stuff w/o the big price-tag...
If you can't find these adapters locally you can order them from Markertek - they have decent prices on good quality Neutrik adapters, about $11 ea.
Enter neutrik NA2FPMF in the search box to see what's available. I've used these adapters and recommend them.