What s behind your chair?

Having been the butt of jokes for last week's "What's in front of your chair?" thread, I will once again stick my neck on the chopping block and start a similar thread.

Right now, I have a cloth covered oriental folding screen against the wall 4 ft behind my seat. It definitely helps with imaging compared to a bare wall. However, I am considering putting my floor to ceiling bookcases behind my listening position filled with records, CDs and books. There is enough variation that it should be a pretty good diffuser.

Does anyone have an opinion as to what works best behind'ya: absorbers or diffusers? With what audio specific products have you had great sound? e.g. RPG skyline. How about DIY Tweaks? Let the games begin.
....the rug in front of the couch is on the floor, in case you're wondering... :)
meta, if yer wall is only 4' behind ya, i'd suggest absorbers extending at least 3' either side of the *sweet-spot*. if the wall is a bit further back, but still in the vicinity, then i'd go w/diffusors. if ya got lotsa room behind ya (i'm fortunate to have >20'), then i am a follower of the *dead-end/live-end* room set-up, where the walls to the sides of, & behind the speakers are *dead*, ie - w/absorbers & diffusers, and the walls in front of the speakers are *live*. my only mod to this would be to place absorbers at the 1st-reflection-point to the listening position along the side-walls, if they are close to the speakers.

doug s.