Need help: soundstage?

I'm new on this hobby, and I would like to know that what exactly do you look for when placing speakers for the best soundstage or in another term when do you know you have best soundstage? How do you set up the speaker in order to have 3D imaging?
For the current set up, I can hear the singer right on the center with instruments on left and right side but everything is flat. If I can bring the singer up front little bit then I'm in heaven.
My room is 147"Wx180"Lx96"H, and my speakers are 60" from back wall and 40" from side wall (Cardas' formular)with toe in. The speakers are JMlab Electra Monitor run with Classe amp. Are the speakers too far from the back wall or are the speaker not good enough to create 3D sound?
Thanks for your help
The deepest bass of my speakers can go is 57hz. So, my speakers doesn't have a good soundstage,is it correct? I also have a subwoofer, and I haven't connect it yet. Does the subwoofer help to improve the soundstage? Where do people use to put the subwoofer: front corner, along the side wall or behind the corner of listening chair?
Thanks for your help
The subwoofer will definitely help with regards to soundstage. Locating the sub is a trail and error process, but I would start in the front corner. Don't hesitate to experiment. Ideally, the sub should be setup such that you don't hear it until you turn it off.
I also find the Immedia site a useful different appraoch to the standard cardas set-up technique, I use some ideas I learned there in my system.

Please try this very simple tweak, put vibrapods between speaker and stand and you should hear deeper bass and often
improved 3D effects, only takes a minute to try.

Also you can purchase a TDS Passive Audiophile which also can improve 3D soundstage, cost $400 new or $250 used here.
TDS stands for True Dimensional Sound, there are reviews at and
I'm sorry, to be so basic about this, but Have you moved the speakers about the room and sat down to listen? You can go to all the websites you want, ask me and everyone else in the world, but the best thing you can do at the moment is your basic 1/3rd 2/3rds setup, put on what you know to be some well recorded material, a piece you know well that on some system some where you have heard all the qualities that you are searching for and then start moving things around little by little till its right, and right not buy the books or the websites or by some others but by your own ears. Keep this up and we will have another audio fool out here selling us his room setup cd package and I gaurantee there be people jump on that bandwagon and trading insults and writing papers and will be buying and selling it used on the websites argueing which version is best.
And please, part of this is tongue in cheek, but really, I was just aghast that no one has told you to listen. You can write, so you must have some intelligence, you can hear I assume, so combine the two and I genuinely think you can be wonderfully surprised at the results. If nothing else, depending on where you live, I bet you can get three or four people that read this site to come over and help you with this.