Best amps for MBL101e's?

I took the plunge and bought 101e's and restarting the upgrade bug. These speakers are not very efficient and in a large room. I have the EMM labs combo, and probably am going to buy the 6010d preamp that I am demoing right now (great phono section, has the ability to match levels for 4 different output channels). My bias in the past has been tubes (MC2000, VT100mkII)...any suggestions?

Malcolmmonfort, anyone can describe the look of my space - dah! that's just too simple, there are numerous pics on the net for years now showing such which you likely even looked at and described from so again you are just blowing smoke.

You still have not answered my questions - why?

1. who is the mystery person you keep referring too because it's BS.

2. It's easy for anyone to say they heard this or that, again you appear not to want to answer my question of where you heard the VAC's and MBL's and what the system consisted of.

I just don't believe you so proof yourself or move on with your nonsense.
Dev, you seem angry. Why? Is it because two different people independently auditioned the VAC/mbl combo and came to exactly the opposite conclusion you did? Is it because one of them reached that conclusion after hearing your system? Or do you just prefer ad hominem attacks to rational discussion. Hey, maybe it's just easier to call everybody who disagrees with you "deaf."

Now that I see you will never let the facts get in the way of your agenda, I will leave you with this parting thought: "Denial is not just a river in Egypt."

I'm not angry - I'm challenging you because you are just a bs'er and why when confronted you like to dance around the simple questions asked - reasons for this are because your posting above are not true.

Anyone reading these posts can clearly see you are full of hot air!!!!!