Budget system recommendations

If you needed to build a second system for yourself or a friend what would you recommend in the areas of amp, pre-amp, and speakers? This system would be a compilation of USED components. The budget is $1200. What percentage would you recommend for each of the three components?
What components would you recommend for the system?
Thank you for your suggestions
i recently spent just barely over $1000 on a system consisting of NAD c340, Nakamichi MB8 five disc changer, Axiom M3ti bookshelf speakers, dh labs interconnects and speaker cable. i'm very happy with it and would recommend all of the above components
$1,200 Huh!?! Okay, here goes, remember this is "USED/WEB" prices and should be easy to find:

Speakers: NHT Superzero's ($150)
Cinder Block Speaker Stands: Two pairs, one on top the other, both sides (.13 cents ea)
Used Tablecloth or pillowcase to cover stands: should already have or Goodwill (.50 cents ea)
Sub w/ amp: NHT SW2P ($275)

Integrated Amp/preamp with AM/FM tuner: Nakamichi RE1 or TA-4A Stasis ($250 either one)
CD Player: Nakamichi CDC-4A 6-disk magazine player (can use in most auto's) or Pioneer 414 DVD Player ($250)

RCA Interconnect: Kimber Kable PBJ 3-meter ($60 and you'll have one left over to divide so you can use on CD player)
Speaker Cable: Kimber Kable 8-TC 2-meter ($115)
Black Diamond Racing Cones #3: Three used under CD Player and three under the integrated amp ($12 ea)

My reccomendation, if you don't go this route is to put the highest precentage on your speakers (e.g. NHT 1.5A with SW2P sub or Gallo Micro Nucleous satelite/sub combo), next the integrated amp (why integrated . . . . save $$$ on interconnects and you'll also have a decent am/fm tuner), then speaker cables and interconnects and lastly you could probably save money/space by adding a portable CD player and portable tape player.

Happy Listening!

Ken in San Diego