Since we were discussing about tests and validation, here are some thoughts on sustainability, validation and quality control:
I was looking at the classifieds here in Audiogon and I ran into an ad for a 'cable and interconnect cooker'. This is what the website says:
"The break-in process is believed to be due primarily to current flowing through the conductors of wiring components. Dielectric stress caused by a voltage difference between the conductors is also believed to be of some benefit. The fact that it takes many hours of in-system use for wiring components to break in is primarily due to the low-level nature of audio/video signals from normal program material."
When one reads for quality assurance (and I did it for a living) one must watch for empty, inconclusive statements.
The above parragraph lacks sustainability, proof, or any other data sustaining what it says. The very first sentence is a joke! Believe me, I've seen documents presented by chemistry labs with similar statements! Just keep your mind open...
I was looking at the classifieds here in Audiogon and I ran into an ad for a 'cable and interconnect cooker'. This is what the website says:
"The break-in process is believed to be due primarily to current flowing through the conductors of wiring components. Dielectric stress caused by a voltage difference between the conductors is also believed to be of some benefit. The fact that it takes many hours of in-system use for wiring components to break in is primarily due to the low-level nature of audio/video signals from normal program material."
When one reads for quality assurance (and I did it for a living) one must watch for empty, inconclusive statements.
The above parragraph lacks sustainability, proof, or any other data sustaining what it says. The very first sentence is a joke! Believe me, I've seen documents presented by chemistry labs with similar statements! Just keep your mind open...