Anyone using i tunes as a computer based jukebox?

The write up in the October Stereophile caught my interest. So I picked up a discontinued G4, 15" monitor and a 100Gb hard disk. I also ordered an RME soundcard with both RCA and AES/EBU digital outputs. I'm currently ripping my CDs onto the HD as uncompressed files and I foresee that I'll eventually need 3 or 4 external firewire HDs to hold the majority of my music collection. What grabbed me is the idea that I will be able to instantly access any song, or combination of songs, in my collection and maintain them as custom playlists.

Just wanted to know if anybody else is also pursuing a similar route? I would like to know your experiences.
I use itunes for most of my old (RIP) Napster downloads, I like it. Wondering where and how much you got the G4 for. Was it the cube?
I am using a dedicated G4 cube to run Titletrack software which is a CD jukebox changer program that also can mix and manage playlists that are exclusively Mp3's or CD's mixed in. What's great about this approach (at least for us) is we have a dedicated music system in the sunroom. Over in the corner (tucked away) is a stack of CD jukebox changers with a Nirvis DMX digital switch. Whatever source is playing, it routes into a P1-A, P3-A combo that then converts into the pre-amp, amp section. This way, anything playing, whether it's MP3's from the computer or a CD changer, get's the best possible processing and amplification with only one place where we need to manage it. It's great!! I was really attracted to the Escient based changer controllers, but the cost was a bit much. I spent the money I saved on more music!!
The titletrack program is very easy to use and set up, and saved me from ripping all my CD's into MP3's in order to manage them into playlists. Now my playlists options are endless, whether it's of music I already own, or unusual music downloaded from the net!
Justlisten, the G4 was purchased Micro Center in suburban Chicago. It's a 433, 128Mb, 30Gb w/ CD-R; it cost $1,050. I considered an iMac or a Powerbook, but that would have limited me to Firewire I/O, which is quite limited and somewhat expensive. (I only know of two models, the MOTU 828 ($795) and the Metric Halo I/O ($1,495)). The RME sound card I ordered only cost $430.