Anyone using i tunes as a computer based jukebox?

The write up in the October Stereophile caught my interest. So I picked up a discontinued G4, 15" monitor and a 100Gb hard disk. I also ordered an RME soundcard with both RCA and AES/EBU digital outputs. I'm currently ripping my CDs onto the HD as uncompressed files and I foresee that I'll eventually need 3 or 4 external firewire HDs to hold the majority of my music collection. What grabbed me is the idea that I will be able to instantly access any song, or combination of songs, in my collection and maintain them as custom playlists.

Just wanted to know if anybody else is also pursuing a similar route? I would like to know your experiences.
Kthomas, you are correct, i tunes is an Apple software product. It comes pre-installed on all new Macs or it can be downloaded (for free) from the Apple website. i tunes primary purpose is to handle the conversion to and organization of MP3 files. Fortunately, the program has the flexibility to handle uncompressed files at the original 16 bit, 44.1K rates. Although some Macs have analog I/O, I would recommend adding a soundcard with digital I/O and connecting the computer to an outboard DAC. Music can be sent into the computer either by using the computer's CD drive, it takes about 4-5 minutes to rip a CD, or by using the digital input on a soundcard and any audio software that can produce a WAV or AIFF format file. Additionally, i tunes burn songs using the computer's CD-R.

The cost of the computer, monitor, sound card and hard drives quickly adds up, but a Mac running i tunes can directly replace a CD player and a CD-R. Also, since the music is contained as computer files, it opens up the possibility of DSP manipulation of the music - EQ, noise reduction, whatever.
Have you considered lossless compression (100% accurate with 50% size) such as For more info check .

I've also looked at the solution but I find it a little too expensive and you're forced to use their compressor. For PRO models they offer their own lossless compressor SonaPak.

My latest solution is to use my PC with external FireWire HDs (100GB each) and an audio card with AES/EBU output to my Tact Audio RCS 2.0 preamp. Remote control can be done wirelessly (802.11b) using my notebook or a Compaq iPAQ handheld.

Email me for more.
Iamnemo, I'm not familiar with any of the compression programs. HD space is fairly cheap, so I figure why compress. Three questions, have you addressed back up issues, have you tried the A/D converters on the Lynx (what's your opinion) and do you find Firewire cables to be directional?

I've only had my system set up for a few weeks, but I love it. It's so much easier to access music.
I purchased the RME card as well but put it in a homebuilt PC (PIII, 933Mhz, 512 MB) with QuietPC power supply, CPU and case fans and disk drive enclosures. I also put dynamat around the inside of the case and it's virtually silent. I run the Toslink digital out of the RME into a Monarchy Audio DIP 24/96 and then into a CAL Alpha 24/96. I'm using Winamp for now to play all of my CD's which are ripped using Exact Audio Copy (EAC) onto 4 60 GB hard drives. I also upsample some songs using Cool Edit 2000. I've tried Monkey's Audio but had problems with upsampled songs which were then compressed with Monkey's Audio and not being able to be played with WinAmp.
make sure you're using exact audio cd. only one that makes sure you are getting exact wav file dupes to the hard drive. my question is, if i'm using a sound card to an outboard dac, do i need to have one that does d/a conversion? it's redundant.

are there sound cards that just export digital to spdif or aes without a d/a converter on board. why should i pay for one when i'm going to use my outboard killer chord dac?