Advice on Setting Up A Laptop-Based Audio System?

Hey, I'm looking to set up a workspace audio system based around my Apple Powerbook G4. I've got about 100 GB of uncompressed audio on an external hard drive. I currently have Monsoon planar speakers and matching subwoofer hooked into the laptop through the 1/8" audio out, which soundsokay, but I think I could do better.

I don't have a PC card slot in the Powerbook, so I'm limited to a USB audio connection. I'm not looking to hook this system up to my "big rig" -- it's just for my workspace. I was looking to bypass getting an amplifier, unless it's fairly small.

I was thinking of going with some powered mini-monitors and maybe some kind of adapter/DAC in between, but I'm space-constrained and not looking to spend more than say, $600 total.

Any suggestions?
I have a Mac and a Transit. The analogue out leaves something to be desired, but is it really that bad if you are just using it to get the optical digital signal to a DAC? I think my setup sounds really quite good, but I would be happy to explore replacing the Transit if it really is a problem. Of course my DAC is not very expensive, so perhaps it is the higher end equipment that the shortcomings of the Transit would be more noticeable?

I have heard dozens of positive and rave reviews of using the Transit to provide a digital out of an iBook. This is the first time I have heard of it being so terrible. Can you elaborate?

I now have confirmation from 5 Mac based transit users - I should say former users.

The whole idea for a device like the Transit is to pass un-altered PCM to your DAC. The transit just does not do a good job of it. It really is noticeable.

I don't think this is unique to the Transit either. I think several of the popular low end devices actual mess with the PCM stream to one extent or another.

If you are concerned, call the manufacturer and verify that the device supports Core Audio (Mac OSX) and passes the PCM data unaltered.

I know that the Waveterminal U24 and the Edirol U25 both do a good job. There are probably many more.

As always, though, if you are happy with what you have, why change?

Thanks for the information. I will check into those other external cards. I love upgrading and I have run out of things to upgrade (while keeping the system portable). I had looked at the Waverterminal before but I figured the extra features are what was making the unit cost more, and I only need it as a digital out.

Thanks for the info.

I am using an iBook G4 which has no card slot, USB is the only digital out possibility. Thanks though.
