Apple Airport Express Very Cool Product

Just wanted to share my experience with this product. I have become a big fan of my iPod and using iTunes and just received my Airport express and it is awesome! Setup was not exactly as easy as you would think but I finally figured it out. The Sound Quality is similair to the iPod but the mult-room and flexibility of this is worth the sacrafice! Anyway, if you are using itunes check it out..

I too have recently installed the Airport Express and have 2 of the units (1 for my cable modem and usb printer, and 1 for my stereo using an optical cable directly input to the digital in on my Cary 306-200 CD player) and I have a powerbook g4 using itunes. I can't recommend it highly enough as a really cool way to attach a music server without a bunch of hassle. Sound quality is WAY better than mid-fi and, while noticably inferior to a cd played on my player, I enjoy it for casual listening and messing around and the quality far outpaces my ipod.

I HIGHLY recommend this product and, as the kid states, once setup it is super easy.
I understand it can send a digital signal. Is this true?? If so has anyone tried it with it running through a DAC to your system with your CD's encoded @ 44.1kHz???

If it works OK, and doesn't eat up all the bandwith of the wireless router, I will likely be putting one into my system. Otherwise, the iPod is for vacations and traveling in the car sometimes, CD's will be kept for home use.
I have one too and my G4 Cube and airport base station sends music to it from iTunes. I often stream to the express and then into the Ht system. Great music before a show starts!
I went to buy one from Comp USA, only to find out they didn't have the necessary cables....

So I ordered it from MacMall, should be here by the end of the week, with cables, I'll play with the one and decide how many I want...

FWIW I can't wait for it to come!

Hopefully my amps and sub will be back from recall Saturday and I can spend the day setting up the system and listeni