New Solution for PC Audio

Bryston is going to release an integrated amp, with onboard DAC. Bryston B100 SST. I am challenging anyone to find a more convenient way ( one box solution ) to achieve high end sound based on pc audio files (compressed and uncompressed formats).
What if the DAC is built right into the speakers, with 2 digital inputs and an AtoD?

"Cinesys Hurricanes"

---Active 3-way "bookshelf" with an Aluminum 8" woofer a 2" Morel dome mid and Vifa Ring radiator tweeter. 2 digital inputs 1 analog, room correction for each speaker and RS232/IR volume integrated into the units.

$2495/pr They are supposed to be out by X-mas.

I'll see if I can track down a site, they also had 4 channel digital integrated amps with a digital crossover built in for people who wanted a "rack" mounted amplifier.

Plug your i-pod right into the speakers!
Meridian, Genelec, B&O and others all offer powered speakers with built-in
Just because it's convenient doesn't mean it will sound good. People don't buy one box amplifiers if they seek the ultimate. I send the usb output of an iBook into a TwinDac hard is that?
I've heard Brystons decoders in their SS processor. Was not impressed. Better off to have a good quality USB to S/PDIF converter that eliminates the S/PDIF cabling.
Any PC with a Lynx Studio 2 into a Transcendent SE OTL into a pair of ORIS or Avantegarde Horns. Hands down, no contest