Mini Mac as audio server?

OK, I've existed in blissful ignorance of the OSX world, being a Windows dude. But, this little miniMac thing might change my world. Small enuf to stick next to the stereo... Cheap enuf too... With DVI and DVD, probably eliminates my DVD player as well. Check it out:

Sooo, someone wanna educate a non-OSX user on audio via Macs? Right now I'm 70% through ripping over 1K CDs to WAV files. I'm thinking the files will eventually end up on one of the Buffalo Terabyte NAS RAID 5 devices when they become available next month. So... the questions...

- Can I play the WAV files via iTunes?
- Is iTunes smart enuf to recognize that I've dropped the files into /Artist/Album directory format and create tags?
- Anyone using an Edirol UA-1D via USB out of the Mac? Any compatibility issues?
- Anything better to do PCM output from the Mac than the Edirol?
- If I watch a DVD, and output the video to my plasma via the DVI port, will the Apple media software recognize that I want PCM output, not multichannel?

Any help appreciated.
Why not get one with a wireless card installed, get an Airport Express and use an optical cable into a DAC? That would be ideal, imo. That way you can control your music where you're sitting and still use a quality DAC.
Madmilkman -- that is my plan. I am in the process of upgrading my cd player (looking at resolution audio cd-55 or audio aero prima for about $1,000 used) and I plan to run my G5 through airport express into the "digital in" jack and use the cd player's internal DAC. Both of these players have volume controls so I can bypass using a pre-amp. Although the mini does sound like a fun was to go but it is just duplication if I can run it off my G5. Do you think there will be any lost quality by going through a wireless connection?
Depends what else is happening on the network and what kind of files you're sending. If you're playing back uncompressed audio and grabbing a couple shows from, you'll probably have some problems.

Can I ask why you're still buying a CD player instead a DAC? Just to bypass the pre?
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A mini is a G4, and clocks in at less than $600 w/the BT keyboard and mouse.

Besides, I hear its quieter than the G4 notebooks.

Besides, it just looks *cool*!

A laptop just looks like a laptop.
