iTunes idiot needs some help


Although I've owned an iPod for quite a while now I'm in need of some help. Up until now I've stored approximately 400 WAV files on my iPod. I recently bought two Western Digital 160gb external hard drives and I'm copying 400 CD's on to the hard drives using iTunes, importing the songs as WAV files (I bought all these CD's BTW).

I'd like to rip all of my music on to my iPod. To fit all this music onto a 20gb iPod will require compression, any recommendations as to which compression format to use would be appreciated. Priority is sound quality (I really hate the sound of MP3's) but by the same token I'll need to fit a lot of music on it. I'm very interested in your opinion and will certainly appreciate any advice.

I want to keep the WAV files on the hard drive(s) as is, allowing me to make compilations or copies of my CD's as required. The thing I can't figure out for the life of me: I have the WAV files on my hard drive and want to use some sort of compression to load them on the iPod while I maintain the original WAV files on the hard drive. There must be a way to grab the WAV files off my hard drive and using iTunes compress the files, store the compressed music in a directory on the drive, and then load my iPod with the compressed files. All the while keeping the original WAV files in WAV format on the drive. I'm running XP with the latest iTunes software. Thanks in advance to any iTunes aficionados who can lend a helping hand. Best Regards, Jeff
You should try the Apple Lossless to burn your cd into I-tunes. This should take half the space of a regular cd. You can burn cd-r from the I-tunes program. I belive that in the advance menu there is a way to convert files to the Apple lossless. I also suggest that you check out Very good site for I-pod lovers.
Hope this helps. Hector

Hi Hector,

I searched the archives here and on the iPod lounge before posting this. I'm sure this can be done...

I figure 400 Cd's @ at an average of 600mb each will take up about 240gb of disk space on my hard drives, to shrink the files to fit on my 20gb iPod I'll have to compress 12:1. I don't know which compression utility will compress 12:1 and still sound decent.

Bigger problem is maintaining the WAV files on the HD while converting, the import feature on iTunes doesn't seem to support such a thing. Then again, as the title suggests I'm an iPod idiot.
You can get LAME, which does various mp3 compression types on a standalone basis, and run those on the files to get mp3 versions. You would end up with both WAV and MP3 versions on the HDD and iTunes would presumably see both. Maybe you could have iTunes filter them in some way?

You should have enough storage to store both WAV and MP3--400 CD @ 450 MB/CD (WAV) + 45 MB/CD (alt preset extreme MP3) = 200 GB total, well below your total 160 GB x 2.