Best Preamp = No Preamp?

I'm currently looking for some DACs. I'm looking at Benchmark DAC1, Bel Canto DAC3, Slim Devices Transporter, etc...

I noticed most of these newest high performance DACs have built in volume control with remote.

I'm thinking that I can connect these DACs directly to my Power Amp skipping preamp.

Is that right thinking? Why go through additional peice of device when I can avoid? Anybody doing it that way?

What'll be the pros and cons?

"To each their own [fortune]"[quote]
Couldn't agree more!

[quote]instead of being simply in the camp of preferring a faux sonic imprinting

Those two statements are completely contradictory. Were you being intentionally ironic?
Swampwalker --

It seems you take things a bit out of context here, and misunderstand what I mean.

My "gripe" in a sense with poster Grannyring was that I found he tended to label the DAC-direct defenders to adhere to a "non-real" sound:

To some it sounds cleaner or more resolving, but I feel this is either mistaken for "transparency" or some folks like that lighter than real sound. Ha! I know that sounds negative, but we do all have preferences.

To each their own would then be like saying: the ones who prefer the "real" sound, and those (the DAC-direct people) who embrace a "faux" imprinting. On the surface it's a benign statement saying "to each their own," but in the context of what he wrote I found it got a slight knowing-it-better tone.

My comment ""To each their own [fortune]" may also apply to those who've struck upon a winning DAC-direct combination instead of being simply in the camp of preferring a faux sonic imprinting" was trying to communicate that those in favor of a DAC-direct solution wasn't necessarily defenders of a "faux" sound, but could as well achieve a winning combination with "real" sonics.
My statements are fact and true for me and my opinion based on my pretty vast experience over the past 2-4 years. Nothing to disagree with. My opinion, my experience, my recent experience.

My preamp is special and has always proven to be better than a direct or passive with the systems it has found itself in.

I can absolutely state this is absolutely true for me and every other person and system my preamp has been compared to direct or passive attenuators. That is the scope and reality of my statement.

I have also found we Aphiles have sonic preferences that lead some to active preamps and others to no preamp. No way to argue or persuade as preferences are preferences.....end of story.