Do CD-R's sound the same as originals

does a burned copy of a cd sound the same as the original
Craig - Your experience mirrors that reported by Stereophile (JA?) when they reviewed one of the Phillips audio CDR recorder/players - he, too, noted possible, slight degradation, but overall was very impressed with the copies that were made. It's not surprising that the W739 makes excellent copies but sounds like a "cheap" CD player on playback - it should be a lot easier (ie. cheaper) to make accurate digital copies than to do quality D/A conversion.
Realizing that Joe hasn't had a heart attack yet, and that no one is reading my comments in this thread anymore, I will abandon it. I hope you all enjoy "perfect sound forever", and kiss my bum!
O.K. guys, time for an experiment. For those of you who think there is no degridation in copies, try copying a copy, then copy that copy until you are at least 10 generations away from the original. Hopefully this procees will compound any sonic aberations that the coping process may introduce. (Note: Those of you comparing the sound of cd's and copies should be using 24bit D/A converters, with high end transports. These newer 24 bit D/A's really show those small nuances, that the older 20 bit converters just did'nt resolve.)