krell audio standard

Does anybody have listened to these monoblocks?
What kind of sound do they produce. What's the difference between KSA and KSA 2 monos?
Thanks for any input
Both KAS and KAS2 abilities to drive 1ohm or perhaps lower are still matched only by very few amps. They are pure class A hence runs very warm as space heaters, yet have that musical hearty class A sound. Being a KAS2 owner, I would STRONGLY recommend giving each mono a dedicated 20A line. Quite a few ill sounding Krell's I have heard suffered from outlet power/current starvation. Give your Krell's sufficient juice, and you will be rewarded correspondingly. Just my 2 cents and good luck!
I do not think the standard audio krell kas and 2 are in pure Class A but rather slippery in Class