My system has just received the ultimate insult

The girl I have been seeing recently has shown complete indiffrence to my system. (Melos MA-333, Adcom GCD-750, Oddesy Stratus, ML SL3's) Yesterday, I brought up the subject while in my car and she mentioned that she had bought a pair of speakers for $100 that sounded the same. How I wish that were true! I mentioned that she (like others) has no ability to hear or appreciate the difference. She of course disagreed. I said, that is like saying "all people look just about alike and are equally attractive". She again could not see my logic. When we got home, I played a track for her on my $150 sat/sub with a $20 portable CD player and asked her to listen to it. I then played the same track for her on my system and to my amazement, she said it sounded noticable WORSE! She described it as sounding like a radio station that was not tuned properly with lots of static. What I am assuming is that she has never heard a system that had any kind of hi-freq extension and likened it to "static". Others have heard my system and are completely blown away with every aspect of how it sounded. We have much different tastes in the music we listen to. I have 2 questions to ask, 1) is it possible that she could enjoy listening to 'Her' stereo as much as I enjoy listening to mine? 2) may I continue to be involved with her and still have the respect of my peers?

For the record, I listened to it last night after the insult, and it sounded as wonderful and envolving as ever!
I have enjoyed the feedback. As an update, this was posted perhaps to get a bit of sympathy and get a few laughs from others with like interests. She treats me quite well. I am just amazed that she views my system as such. On a portion of a musical track that has no hi-freq material, the 'offending distortion' is gone. However, all of the wonderful attributes of the remaining sound presentation are completely without merit to her. I have had lots of other speakers, amps, and preamps and do not find this system to be bright. As others have mentioned, she does not care to have the volume as high as I like it. I recently had the oportunity to test our abilities to hear high frequency (at a science museum) and I surprisingly had a bit of an edge on her. It is also interesting to note that she almost never plays music for herself. The good news is that she never tries to discourage me from 'listening' and even 'tolerates' my crappy sounding stereo because she wants to be with me when I listen. Needless to say, I won't be asking for her opinion when auditioning new equipment!
I think that it's cool to be a gay in audio(I've seen a couple myself at the dealer)since 95% of audiofreaks are males. In most of the cases they will be the perfect couples. Otherwise compromises must take some place in mutual life.
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