20th Anniversary of CD Today

Time flies when you're having fun. Yup, Sony introduced the CD in Japan 20 years ago (Billy Joel). Per Public Radio, they thought it would take off but got tons of grief instead. Audiophiles didn't like the sound. Record companies thought the bits would be too easy to copy. Lots of groups thought it was a bad idea. The record companies just don't like anything new, do they? As it turned out, they amassed a fortune from the restocking. In any case, 20 years! Wow! It took that long to take it to the next steps.
I bought my first CD player in 1983. A Magnavox 1040D from Hawthorne Audio in Portland, Or. Great little Hi End shop in the Hollywood district that has since closed its doors. Yes, digital has come a long way since 1982.
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My first CD player was in 1986-87; an Onkyo. I still kept buying vinyl until 1990, which is when they cut off the supply. I remember 1990 was also when BMG force me to switch to their CD club, because the record club was being discontinued.