Gain and Rothwell attenuators

I have a Rega planet 2000, Cary slp-50a, and linn LK-85 amp. When I first got the cary I couldn't turn the volume up past the 8 o'clock position! That was about as loud as I could stand. I put in some Rothwell attenuators (-10db) and now I'm at about 10 o'clock with the same result. Problem is is that the Rothwell attenuators dramatically alter the sound. Right now they are between the cd player and pre-amp. I tried them between the pre and power amp and the music sounded strangled. When I take them off completely things open up but seem uneven and I start getting different L/R signal strength through the speakers at lower volumes, with some cds becoming unplayable because of this. I haven't seen much written about attenuation or any other way to solve this problem. Are there other, more neutral ways to achieve this or has anyone come across another posting on this issue? Thanks and happy holidays.
Parts quailty of the resistor attenuator elements may be compromised. If you know the required values then you might experience better sonic performance by replacing them with Holco, Caddock, or Vishay's avalable from Michael Percy Audio. Use a quality silver bearing solder such as WBT.
Cary suggests I send it to them for a "shunt volume modification." Anyone know what this is?

Bob_bundus. Sounds like fun but that's beyond my ability or daring.
their shunt volume attenuator involves less signal degradation than typical series attenuators due to reduced series resistance in the signal path. It is possibly a simple pi-ladder design with two low-level elements in series & the adjustable element in parallel to signal ground. I assume that this design also reduces stage-gain or they wouldn't have recommended it? Or if not then at least linearity is improved such that the aforementioned issues are resolved.