Hi end audio who cares

During the holidays i had alot of people over my house.
MY wife would insist that i play my stereo for these
people,why i do not know.

Here are some comments that i got(is that a bose)
(We have panasonic at home,we justlove it)
(how much you pay for all that stuff)
(why do you need such big speakers)

I did not one comment such as(wow thatsounds great)
Next time we have company i am hiding the power cords!
Most people just want sound and really don't care about all the attributes that a good home stereo give you.

Long ago I began using the same answer about why I owned a Harley when people would ask insulting questions about my audio affliction: "If I have to explain, you can't possibly understand". Once in awhile you will greet someone at your door that has an appreciation for some of the better things this life has to offer. Most people are an inch deep and a mile wide. The rest of them either are audiophiles, drag racers, flyfishermen or photographers. Want to guess what my passions are? He he.

It's frustrating ... all the time, money, & energy expended to assemble a great system and like who cares ... other than you? I am torn between two reasons why it is this way (btw, I am also open to any others):

Reason #1:

When I growing up in the 70's ... owning your own kick-ass stereo was almost as important as having your own car. There was an acknowledgement of the power of music as a change agent in both our lives and the culture, in general. Music spoke to what was going on in the world. I don't sense it is this way today.

Reason #2

Reasonably good sound is so readily available ... good sound is now nothing special.

As Don McLean would say ... "do you believe in rock n roll, can music change your mortal soul, and can you teach me how to dance real slow?"

Regards, Rich