Hi end audio who cares

During the holidays i had alot of people over my house.
MY wife would insist that i play my stereo for these
people,why i do not know.

Here are some comments that i got(is that a bose)
(We have panasonic at home,we justlove it)
(how much you pay for all that stuff)
(why do you need such big speakers)

I did not one comment such as(wow thatsounds great)
Next time we have company i am hiding the power cords!
I am very lucky - my wife doesn't really care about the sound much (she can hear the difference, but doesn't spend much time listening), but she's very supportive of my audio hobby, allowing me to spend large $$$ because she knows how much pleasure it brings me.

I don't waste time trying to show my sytem to others, really. Most people do not "actively" listen to music - they use it for background. If that's all you're going to do, a Bose Lifestyle system works fine (like my wife's in the living room).

If it's your hobby, don't try to make others understand. I suppose it's like a stamp collector or model builder trying to share their hobby. People may "ooooh and aaaah" at your pretty equipment, but few would take the time to critically listen.

It's just as well - there's only one real "sweet spot" on the couch anyway.
"Why do you have water hoses running into your electronics?" I almost choked to death with my Buffalo Wings in my mouth!

That is about the funniest thing I've read on this site.
I wouldn't describe my system as "high end", but I still get some analogous questions and comments, such as-

"I really like those speaker stands." (which is OK, since the N805 stands were my most difficult purchase to rationalize)

Sample questions and answers-

Q: How loud can it play?
A: I don't know.

Q: How much did it cost?
A: I've lost track. (or "Quite a bit.")
Yeah, maybe nice time, you can answer....

Loud enought to blow these $5000 speakers


It cost me a few thousands and a couple of girlfriends....