Why are you here? ...music or equipment

I check the New Today section atleast a few times a day. I want to see what new equipment has arrived and also what new threads have appeared. I used to do it soley for the love of the equipment. The equipment is supposed to bring the music to us. How many buy/sell equipment just for the sole love of equipment, and how many buy/sell for the sole love of hearing the music they love. I pretty much fit both categories.
I think that those of that are here in the first place are gear lovers more than music lovers. If it were just the music we'd be content with boom boxes and walk man stuff. My wife, for one, has a lot of cd's and doesn't care if they're played on my system or a portable. Look at the threads in this place. How many have to do with things like cables and wires and how many deal exclusively with the music?
Equipment. I use other sites (kazza) to find music. 'Goners have been helpful with what types of equipment goes with what, and for silly questions I always dream up. I've also learned the most important thing one can learn...opinions are like a**holes...
I have been brought to tears listening to music on my car radio and listening on my home rig.My nervous system/emotional wiring doesnt care where its coming from...so I must conclude that gear is an intellectual fancy.
For me, it's both! In my never ending search for music nirvana. I find A'Gon the best in educating each other about equipment, tweaks, and software. Members interests and contributions range from the newbie, to those with technological expertise. I check the site a few times a day, when I'm not on the road. I have learned a great deal from A'Goners. Not just about equipment, but also about great sounding music.

But let's face it... In the end, it is about the listening experience. Otherwise why would we bother?
I upgrade only every few years (generally not the entire system at once either), hence I'm here mainly for equipment right now, but after I'm done with this round of upgrading I'll be here for the forum discussions and the music.