EL34 in Cary CAD120S bias info needed

Hi all,
I want to try out SED EL34 to replace KT88 in my CAD120S
Any CAD120S owner has try this ?
How is the sound of EL34 ?
Should I keep them at 140mA bias point (as manual stated)?
Many thanks

Called CAry about this item yet?

I would.

In my Dodd 120wpc MK II monos the bias is at 0.70. I bias them there and or a touch above at .714 as they'll then settle right around .68 or .69. So the drift isn't much and barely if at all noticeable.

The Dodd config is ultralinear with two banks of two EL34. I use the CED Winged C's throughout. Tungsol 5687 up front.

Rather than go into it blind I'd sure be calling or emailing Cary first.

Mine came with the Winged'ers... I liked the sound... bought a fresh set and never looked back.

Good luck

It seems like every amp is different, for example, my VTL ST-87 biases at 270mA for each of 4 EL34's.

I spoke to someone (Gerald, I think) at Cary a while back about the biasing of the 120S for EL34's and he said it should stay the same at 140mA if I remember correctly. I would give Cary a call to confirm though as you need to be sure of this.

Let me know how you make out and how the amp sounds with the EL34's. My 120S is on the way back to Cary for service at the moment and I'm using the Wyred 4 Sound ST-500 in the meantime. Have a nice weekend !
Thanks for all responses,
Plato, what was wrong with your 120S ?
I bought mine 50hrs used - Has transformer hum when turn on.
I just roll with KT88 Gold Lion re-issued output tubes, sound much better than stock but not as quiet as stock (has little hum thru tweeters)

I also try Sylvania 6SN7GTs NOS on both input and driver stages but don't hear much difference compare to stock 6SN7
Plato, you say that your 120s is on its way to cary for service .... just curious... is there a problem with the amp or are you having upgrades done?