alternatives to spikes on wood floors?

i've got a heavy pair of Thiel 6s. i know i should be using them up on the spikes but i also have soft wood planks as flooring and i don't really want to put these large spike holes in them. Any alternatives?

thanks in advance for all suggestions.
thanks to all so far. again, this is why i love this site. i'll consider your recommendations (the penny solution is definitely the most creative). As for whether "i should be using the spikes" i appreciate your take GS5556. I found that there was a noticiable difference when i put my old 3.6s up on spikes so i was just assuming the same would hold for the 6s. Unfortunately, i am limited in terms of speaker placement (they are close to a wall behind them and not far from walls on either side). Perhaps in this situation getting the speakers up on the spikes seemed to open up the sound (at least they did for the 3.6s) and provided a cleaner, less muddy bass).

anyway, thanks again for everyone's help.
Hey, maybe it's just me -- or, more likely, the exceptionally spongy nature of my floor "hardwood" floor -- but I've had my Thiel 2.3's on spikes, and the spikes on pennies, for about three years. So far, the spikes have literally drilled through about 8 pennies (I replace them from time to time). I'm seriously considering a major upgrade . . . to nickles. Figure it will cost me about 30 cents for a full set of six. I think it might be worth it.
Some people use big round furniture glides instead of spikes. They're cheap at Home Depot.
Rockvirgo, the men in the black helicopters are headed over to your house right about now....:)