what really happened to j. skul

why did j skul get fired from stereophile?
saxo,tell us how you really feel. i agree the ribbon chair was a bit much and his nickname of j10 was oh so precious,but didn't you get a yuk out of some of his stuff?come on saxon, even if his reviews were not world class i think the entertainment value was worth something. i have read the anti scull responses and they seem to fall into two catagorys, those that disliked his professional reviews and those who for what ever reason hated the guy.i can never get as angry at anyone as you appear to be at scull, what's up with that? peace and tranquility saxon,relax and enjoy the music.
> what really happened to j. skul

That Scull, agchewly.

> J-10 was simply caught in the middle of budget cuts.

That is correct, Sir!

> Jonathan realized all ... and stated that he understood that it was a business move on the part of Stereophile and nothing personal. He also said that he's very happy working for Monster Cable and making more money than he ever did before. As such, i think it turned out pretty good for all involved. Sean <

Thank you, Sean, good to "see" you again. One door closes, panic, another door opens, relief. And I get to stay in the same hobby/business I've invested so much of my life into.

I'm off to Monster HQ in SF for two weeks tomorrow, or maybe Tuesday if there's a blizzard, and will check in here to see what's happening.

> Skull

Scull, if you please, boychick.

> was a complete paradox for me:

Funny you say that. For me, life is all about paradox. My be my Russian heritage.

> of all the SP writers I valued his opinion on gear and music the least

Sorry to hear that, of course... but I'll defend to YOUR death the right to say so!

> yet always found myself turning to his reviews and Fine Tunes first. Go figure.

> As I recall J-10 reported from New York and then Stereophile moved from Sante Fe to New York. This put its British editor that much closer to home and made J-10 redundant. <

Too true...
> with all respesct sean, your response is a longer version of stereophiles explanation.iwas hoping to hear from someone who had real inside information,<

Ah, the dirt. I couldn't possibly say other than... I was downsized for reasons which included downsizing.

> barring that, i guess the opinion of rockvirgo is closer to the truth.<

As for whateve you choose to believe, that's the truth. Additional reasons? Sure. We talkin' about'em? Nope. Whad'dya expect? I would achieve exactly what with sour grapes?
