speaker stands on wood floors

I'm looking for advice on coupling (or would it be isolating) my speaker stands to the floor. I have a hard wood floor and want to avoid spiking the wood directly (but as a last resort, I'll do it anyway). I was thinking I'd use the spikes, but place those round metal disks below them. I read about some disks that were lead in the middle, encased in an outer brass ring, but those were too expensive. I want to do this for about $60. I would need 12 devices since this situation also applies to my component rack. That's about $5 per device. I already have the spikes for the speaker stands and the rack. I'm new to this level of tweakiness, so I'm not familiar with the brand names of the discs or their cost. And any other suggested techniques for the speaker stand coupling would be welcomed.

Don, I posted a similar question recently. Warren and several others gave me the same advice -- try Audiopoints' coupling discs. I ordered a set and they arrived this week. I put them in place and noticed a definite improvement. I asked my wife to listen and she noticed the same thing -- clearer highs and mids, less muddiness in the sound. They're worth a try. Thanks to the "couplers" out there for the good advice.
I would call Audiopoints.com and ask to speak to Robert. He's the man over there... I don't know if you'll be able to do those "devices" for the $ you want, but check out their website...

I can't access their website - I don't have shockwave installed (yes I know I'm behind the times). Can I have the phone number please.

For now, I just decided to go ahead and place the spikes directly into the floor. I'm working on upgrading so many other pieces in my system (wire, cable, cords, power conditioning) that I've decided that this kind of thing needs to be experimented with last - and in the mean time, the stock spikes are the best, quick improvement. I might add some weight to the speaker stands too and see what that does. In any case, I just wanted to say thanks to all who have replied with advice in this thread.
