What goes where?

My system:

HT Nak AV10 (soon to be replaced by two channel integrated or separates)
Rotel RCD971
MSB Link DAC with half nelso upgrade
Panasonic cheapie dvd player
Toshiba vcr
Sony 27 trinitron
psb ps1000 powered sub for movies (junk for music - never used in this regard)
nht 2.5i main speakers
nht vs2.4 center
nht1.3a surrounds
PowerLine pillow (noise hound) by Blue Circle

here's my question:

All of these items have to be connected using a single houselhold two socket outlet. I have a cheapie power bar.

Should the AMP be plugged directly into the wall with the remaining components and power pillow plugged into the power bar?

or, should the msb link dac be plugged directly into the wall with the amp and remaining components plugged into the power bar?

should EVERYTHING be plugged into the power bar and the POwer pillow plugged into the second outlet on the wall?

what are the rules of thumb?

ps. I can't afford a line conditioner right now, so please don't suggest it.


1-you really should have the amp into a power strip for protection.
2-same for the TV
3-Yes, the will interfere with one another if in the same outlet.
I would use 2 power strips and plug the amp and tv into seperate strips. If you get ground loop hum, use a 3prong to 2 prong cheater and reverse the polarity.

By the way, you can get something like an adcom ACE 515 for under $100 and they are great!
Loose, can you afford a couple of circuit breakers ($100 or less) and some 12/2 romex ($12)?

If so, then you could add a few dedicated lines yourself (assuming you know how to do it). Dedicated lines are not a direct substitute for power conditioners as you still have dirty AC going to each line.

But you would no longer have the dirty digital AC from your source polluting your other components. And your amp would now be able to take full advantage of the 20amps coming from the service panel. This could improve dynamic headroom immensely for you as it did for me.

Even one dedicated line for the amp and preamp and then plug the digital source and dac into a non-dedicated line is far better than the config you describe above.

I don't have much to add to Zaikesman's post, except to ask if your budget will allow you to buy one or two decent power strips / line conditioners. I have essentially the same problem as you do -- lack of outlets. At some point, I want to have a dedicated AC line installed, but don't have the money for it right now.

At present, all of my system, including the TV, is plugged into a pair of Monster Cable HTS-2000 line conditioner / power strips. I have been very pleased with these units, which can be purchased new for around $130 from several online electronics outlets. The HTS-2000 units got very good reviews from several of the audio mags, and when I replaced my "garden variety" power strips with the HTS-2000's, there was a noticeable reduction in background hash.

The HTS-2000's also allow you to ground phone jacks (should you have a phone connection for TV pay-per-view, or similar arrangement).

Each HTS-2000 has 12 plugs, so you could probably connect your entire system with just one unit. Monster Cable also sells a HTS-1000, which has 8 plugs rather than 12, and it sells for about 25% less than the HTS-2000, so alternatively you might think about getting two HTS-1000's to save a bit of money.