Last night I swapped everything back to the Justarack and that is the sound that works for me and I can now see that no amount of tweaking on the Polycrystal rack will result in the sound that I crave. This system just sounds so good I can't wait to get off work to sit back and listen. If it isn't broke don't muck it up applies here.
I'll swap the position of the racks back and set up my secondary system (basically my old system) which is Classe DR5 preamp, a pair of DR8 amps, and Sony X7ESD driving Green Mountain Diamantes and see how that works out, hopefully it will be an improvement in that system, if not back to the drawing board.
I realize that many of you that have responded to the various questions on racks favor the Sistrum racks but I would be reluctant to place my gear on those sharp spikes. I also question how a piece of gear, say a preamp is designed and voiced must sit on something, (workbench, granite slab, butcher block, whatever) that this voicing would change sitting atop spikes unless it was originally designed that way. I have not questioned Kevin Hayes as to what he uses for a platform and the only website I've run across that even addresses this issue is Joule Electra which states and depicts the equipment on maple slabs.
I don't know that there is one "correct" way to accomodate equipment other than what sounds best to the individual. As Sean noted, he found the bass ill defined and muddy with the Justarack and my experience is exactly opposite.
Thanks for the responses.