Tube-amp for Magnepan?

Hi.I have currently tested Audio Research VT60 with my old Maggies (MG2A),
It seems that the 50w is too weak in power.I experienced a lot of distortion already at "10 oclock"-position on the preamp.(could there be something wrong with the tubes?) At low volumes it sounded fantastic!
The 4ohm connection was a lot worse than 8ohm.The Maggies are 6 ohms...
A friend suggested either a VT100 from AR or maybye Mcintosh 275.The latter is more in my budget..I currenty run a Papworth MIA200 ,200W solid state-quite good but a bit boring.I really want to test out tubes!Have anyone any recomandations?
I would disagree with Chadeffect regarding dynamic swings, at least with regard to Atma-Sphere OTL tube amps on the maggies. Dynamic swings, particularly micro-dynamic swings (the most important for me) were outstanding with the MA1's.

A good tube amp won't "dumb down" the maggies.
this reminds me of the scene in Forrest Gump where he endorses the Ping Pong paddle.

"When I was in China I used my........."
Germanboxers-that is great feedback on what Ralph's amps can do;I am waiting to make a move into the ma1'a for my soundlab m2's as well and your comments are great to hear.
Amandarae, you said:

"Well, in maggie land, 50 hz is called "deep bass" anyway so it might work for you."

I disagree.

I think the 1.6 has bass into the upper 30s (when set up properly), they are darn good in this regard. Amazing IMO...
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