What's your High End best buy/unknown components?

There seem to be so many choices in high end audio products and only the most popular (reccomended/marketed) products are the one that sell. It would be interesting to compile a list of components that have not received as much exposure in the press or not been reviewed or listed as "reccomended" or heavily marketed that are truly excellent or best buys(not necessarily inexpensive) in audio. Nice to hear some dealers' comments since they are exposed to more components than we consumers.
As a follow-up to my previous post, I was just checking out the Stereo Times site, http://www.stereotimes.com, and noticed a follow-up review of both the Dulcinea speakers and Jaden cables done last month. Worthwhile reading.

BTW, I'm using an Art Audio Diavolo 13 watt SET amp with the Dulcineas, and I can attest to the fact that they are are a match made in heaven. You don't need high power with these speakers. In fact, less may be more.
I can't say that Quickies are unknown since they're known for their excellent value and built quality.
Three folks already spoken for them and I speak fourth on Quickies so logically they're well known.
My best buy has been my Fi preamplifier by Don Garber. I also second the quicksilver recommendation and have had Mike Sanders 60 watters, silver mono 90's, and now his M135's. Great stuff.
Not too many people know, but Michell ISO phono preamp that retails used $200 can easily humiliate Phonomena with BPS.
Just as a follow-up to what Kenl said, Ric Cummins provides fabulous customer service. I was an original purchaser of Argent Room Lenses. They arrived with a rather amateurish finish. Several years later, the Room Lenses were a big hit, and the production was much more evolved. I asked Ric if he would refinish mine, and he did so without a hitch, and even replaced a couple and paid for return shipping. Great guy! Exactly the kind of person you would like to see achieve success in this business.