Egads - Changing rooms for the worse...

So, just when I thought I had a system I love, despite some minor tweaks, I've decided to move in with my girlfriend. My system is on the virtual systems (click system next to my name below). Sadly, the only available room to install my system is a 8x14 room with a low 9' ceiling. This is a HUGE change, as I have Revel Studios in a large room, and this room is quite small (in my opinion). I'm looking for help on:

1) Will the Revels work in a room of this size?
2) What should I do to improve system performance once I move in?

I'm open to trying something new and different, even small tubed monoblocks and new speakers.

9' is still a decently high ceiling to me. The 8' wall dimension is a bummer though. If I were you, I would install the system and live with it a while first, possibly set up along both the short and long walls, before jumping to any conclusions. At the very least, you might decide you need some new room treatments. OTOH, if you need someone you can loan this system to for while until you make it back into a larger room, drop me a line...
Why not have the pretty one move in with you? Your life improves without compromising the system.
Find a new girlfriend...don't move in! Your ears and sanity will thank you later.