NYAL booklet- Any value

I have a 118 page booklet called "Understanding Tube Electronics"--- A Study In: Natural Harmonics Audio, written by Harvey Rosenburg Of New York Audio Labs in 1984, apparently just after Julius Futterman passed on his rights and patents to his OTL designs. I was wondering if this would be of any value to a tube afficianado or NYAL collecter.
Sherod: While the value of this is probably next to nothing, i'd like to read that just for kicks. Being the "good & kind soul" that i am, i'd be willing to double your investment and pay for proper packaging and shipping. Your Friend, Sean : )
Sean, I believe that NYAL is no longer. Am I right? If that is the case, then there is no longer a copyright infringement, so perhaps I could make good photocopies of it and send it to all those interested. You are probably right that it is has no value, if not sentimental. It is interesting reading though, a must for not just tube-aholics, but for all audiophiles. Harvey was the "ultimate" tube nut. His passion for tubes goes deep into his soul. Just reading some of his philosophies is almost a religious experience.If there was a way to get copies of this to everyone, I'd do it. I'm not out to make any money on it. Every red-blooded audiophile should read this booklet once just for the experience. Harvey had a respect and love for Julius Futterman that was very deep and strong.Obviously Mr. Futterman was very aware of that as it was Harvey who got Julius' patents and rights to his designs.Also in this booklet there are reprints of reviews from IAR,etc.on certain classics like the Futterman H3AA and OTL-3 amps.
Hi Clueless. It's interesting that you mentioned that this stuff was advertised on Ebay. I just typed in Harvey Rosenberg and what do you know, this same booklet along with two others are up for bid together. There is a little over a day left of bidding. So far the high bid is at $27.00.
Sherod: I was just joking that the material that you have was of little value. Someone somewhere is always willing to pay good money for someone else's junk. Just look at Audiogon and Ebay for further proof : ) On top of that, when someone offers to "do you a favour" and is willing to do so at twice the money that you have into it, you should suspect that something is up : )

Honestly though, i don't know what would be involved in copying this and / or the legalities involved, but i would be interested in obtaining a decent copy at a reasonable price. If you were to ever make duplicates of this, please contact me, I would be willing to compensate you for your efforts and expenses. Sean
Hi Sherod:

said above by Sean >>Someone somewhere is always willing to pay good money for someone else's junk.

I just bid it up to $51.hehe
The norm is for bids to go up quite a bit the last few minutes.

I remain,