Why so few pictures posted in Virtual systems?

Listen guys, I know most of you have a digital camera. I constantly click on new systems. Long Detailed write ups.But NO PICTURES.Post more pics guys. I for one think their should be a systems folder just for SYSTEMS WITH PICS.
Yes more pix, I wish Agon would expand 6 picture limit to 12 for even more details to be shown.

I can hardly believe people who spend huge amounts of money on audio gear don't have basic digital camera! Also the lack of pictures included with classified adds is really sad......no real excuse not to have pictures with add.
Like the persian rugs........holy smokes are those empty Fosters lager beer cans being used to lift cables off floor?
Man, I took the time to take 4 megapixel digital photos of MY equipment, FULLY expecting to make "Cool Pics of the Day." I didn't, and now I'm bitter. :-<
You need to shoot the smallest size for the web. I have a canon 10 d high is 6.3 pixels medium is 2.8 megpix and small is 1.6 shoot small for web