Tpsonic: Without starting a lynch mob, it would have probably been more appropriate to state that you sell these products at the time of recommending them than when decided to retract that recommendation. Having said that, at least you made this point evident, albeit two months later.
I'm not trying to get down on you personally, but i think that most Agon users would like to think of most recommendations coming from satisfied customers, not a "shill". The fact that you clarified the situation and did so in both a cautionary and honest fashion tells me that your initial recommendation came out of respect for the product, not for your own monetary motivations. Sean
I'm not trying to get down on you personally, but i think that most Agon users would like to think of most recommendations coming from satisfied customers, not a "shill". The fact that you clarified the situation and did so in both a cautionary and honest fashion tells me that your initial recommendation came out of respect for the product, not for your own monetary motivations. Sean