What do you think about this ?

Do you think this member deserves a negative feedback ?

I've an add running to sell some speaker cable and this one member emailed me the first day I put the ad saying, I'll but right now if you accept my offer, I accept and emailed back to him and did not get any reply.
I got a new email from him today after 15 days saying , I'll but the cables if you accept this price, I accept and email back to him and I don't get a reply at all.

How do I stop this nonsense ? Should I leave a negative feedback ? Appreciate your opinion.
I sympathize with your situation however you can only leave feedback for a member if a transaction has taken place. Perhaps you should stop replying to this person. Move on and wait for a more reliable purchaser that doesn't play games.
Consider the possibility that your replies haven't gotten through to him for some reason. I've had e-mail problems at times, and fortunately the other parties gave me the benefit of the doubt.

You might try e-mailing him with the "Request Read Receipt" option activated. If you have Outlook Express, as you compose the e-mail to him, click on "Tools" in the message taskbar, then select "Request Read Receipt". Assuming he doesn't block sending you a receipt, this will let you know he's getting your replies.
I can try "request read receipt". But I've read his feedback, he got some neutral feedback for not responding and playing games.
I emailed him more than once but no response. I guess as Lak says, move on and ignore him.
According to your post, he never said he would "buy" your cable, he only said he would "but" it. And, he said it twice.

Reminds me of Woody Allen in "Take The Money And Run" where he tries to hold up the bank...

Hey, for all we know, he may just have butted it.

Seriously though, when you sell gear, you are going to see all kinds. ALL KINDS!

I agree that feedback is only applicable to a deal which has more or less gone through. In this case, I don't believe it is within your rights to leave feedback. Instead, doing what you have done, starting a thread, is more appropriate.

My advice is to vent here and move on. Move on from this pseudo buyer. While it has been suggested that he may not be getting your e-mails, the means in which it happened twice makes him look like a clown. I believe if the fault did not lie in his lap, and he did not receive your reply, he would have sent additional correspondence asking you why you didn't respond or what was going on with the deal. Instead, he shows up again just like the first time, as if nothing happened.

Keep repeating the saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."