Athena ML-1 Polyphasor : Any idea what this does?

I am helping a friend sort through a box full of old audio gear that was given to him when we came across these units.
They are a matched pair of passive devices (rca line level) that have a knob on the front which is labeled 5k Ohm to 100k Ohm. It is labeled "line level magnetic interface" on front. Any ideas for its' use or used value? I could not find ANY info on them at all on the internet... I'm clueless!
Thank you Mgottlieb! That makes a lot of sense now, for the rca cables that are "built-in" to these boxes are about 28 ft. long going in, and about 2ft. long coming out on the "amp output" from them. I could see why, in theory, they might be used to "correct" for long runs to an amplifier. As Twl stated, they could be trying to address the same problems the TriPhazer attempts to do. The other gear that came with it all seems to be around 15 years old, and I would estimate the age of the ML-1 to be from the same era.... I appreciate your help!
Well, the only problem is, there were no cables built in to any model I ever saw. Of course, that means that it doubled your cable costs as well. Either this was a version done late in the production run, or a special order, or a do-it-yourself addition. I guess it's a bit like what future anthropologists will say about New York: don't know what it was for, or what it did, but looks interesting!