I need a new Web Browser....now

Sorry folks, this thread is unrelated to many of the threads around, but I am really upset at my current browser and I would like some suggested alternatives. Reasons and opinions are strongly encouraged. I have been with AOL for over six years and the spam, crashes and total inability to open upwards of half the downloads sent to me are highly frustrating. There is a very up-to-date PC in my office and I could always go there to get whatever AOL could not handle. Tonight, I tried to log onto EXPEDIA to buy some airline tickets and my browser is not supported. Travelocity had the same error message. I really don't know what is going on, I just want it to stop. I am working from a Macintosh Computer running 8.6 and I have another Apple in my upstairs in my personal office that has version 9.04. AOL fully (seems?) to support the new I-mac but only throws crumbs to us older users. The only reason that I have resisted changing is because most of my best friends use AOL and I like the Instant Message feature. But, considering the rest of the frustrations, I can do without!

Who do you use? Why? Who did you use and why did you change and was this change for the better? I hear Yahoo! is back on the rise and several people I know simply use hotmail.

I am going to change. Please, any suggestions are highly appreciated! Needless to say, this is not some fishing expedition intended to count posts from other A'gon members.
Just to add a slightly different insight, I have been a CompuServe subscriber since the late 1980's (when they were the best game in town for business users), but CS was acquired about 4-5 years by AOL. AOL promised to maintain CompuServe as an independent ISP, and for the most part they have kept their promise. However, AOL has been badgering their CompuServe for more than a year to get them to subscribe jointly to AOL and CS (at the same price). The CS browser is decent, although it allows too much spam through to please me. Many of the AOL features (such as Instant Messaging) have migrated into the CS software. I suspect that it is just a matter of time before AOL drops any pretense that CS is a separate provider, and CS ceases to exist. When that time comes, I will find another ISP, since I think AOL is an abomination.
Thanks for the mozilla tip. quick download, fast and easy install. Great little Browser!
A little info on ISP's.

There are two services that you need to "connect to" the internet: Access and Content.

For the AOL that you are using now, access is provided free through you local phone company. Content is provided through one of AOL's servers. (Note: Technically, you are not "on" the internet, AOL's server is, and they allow you access through this.) If you choose to stay at 56K dial-up, you can choose another content provider such as Earthlink. I had good luck with them before I went to cable.

If you want to increase your speed you could choose DSL. This is usually provided by a phone company and is usually access only. If it is access only, you can choose you own content provider (such as Earthlink). DSL runs at about 640K-1500K for uploads and downloads when sold for home use. This may be a good choice if you upload a lot of large files (unlikely since you now use a 56k connection.) It can be more expensive than you think because you have to pay for the access (DSL) and the content (Earthlink?) separately.

I chose a cable modem because the download speed is incredible and the access AND content is provided by my cable company for one monthly fee. Also, it is cheaper for me to use this than a DSL connection. The cable modem is usually faster than DSL for downloads. Using various speed tests on the internet, I got between 1600k and 4000k during the middle of the day. The variation can depend on traffic on the internet, and traffic on the local cable system. It never seems slow to me. I do not know the upload speed, but it is not as fast as the download speed. This is not important to me because I rarely (never) try to send tens or hundreds of megabyte files. If I want to send that much, I would be better off just mailing a CD.

I do not use the cable company's start page. I make good use of the bookmarks in Safari so this is not necessary. I have the browser set to open to a blank page when a new window or tab is started because this is much faster. My home page is set to apple.com.
First of all, you dont need a new browser, you need a new isp. AOL is the bose of the isp industry. Im not even going to get into a debate on your use of a mac, so ill just suggest alternative isp's.
Earthlink does good usually, and its pretty cheap.
If you can justify the $50 per month bill, cable is the way to go, usually from your cable company.
I also have several friends that use netzero, both paid and free. They seem to like it and its good if you dont really use the internet all that much.
I'll bite at that one One-Shot. Are you dissing Mac's? Have you used OSX (now a Unix-based system) and Safari?! DEAD stable. Simple, functional, well-designed interface with a brilliant array of user-friendly integral software. I'm clearly biased being a photographer. I'd guess a good 80% of all professionals in the graphics-related industry are on Macs as they are clearly superior in those realms. Always have been. The margins have been getting closer, but with OSX Mac's still RULE for Graphics. Pretty damn good with audio and video as well. Even using more basic programs (average home-user stuff) I'd MUCH rather be on a Mac if only for the simplicity of the interface and the speed. I guess if you are into gaming or more obscure specialties like dentistry or various other business-specific programs Macintosh is NOT the system to be on. They cost a bit more money, but are well worth it IMO. As far as AOL goes, I fart in their general direction.....utterly worthless Orwellian tool of corporate America. AOL is that warm patch you swim through in the swimming pool of the internet that some kid left who couldn't hold it in anymore. A putrid stench which has only befouled the world of ISP's with it's bad reputation. Don't get me going here!
