What componant degrades the signal least/most?

There have been many threads on this website over the last several years which addressed the effects of different cables on the sound of a system.

In my mind virtually every other componant was a greater effect on, or adds it's own signature to the signal more than cable does. Every componant has connections (every connection is a loss of signal) resistors, capacitors, power supplies, boards. These things will effect an input signal more than a pair of terminations and a length of wire.

We all know that CDs and LPs are capable of sounding amazing. In the best systems they can be truly breath-taking. Most of us do not experience this at home though.

Where was that beautiful music lost? What componant contributed most to the loss of that signal?
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I don't know about signal loss. But how about signal perversion?

If that's the real question, then the answer is definitely the amplifier.

The biggest wive's tale around these parts is that an amplifier simply amplifies the signal.

Of all components, the speaker is the biggest problem, hands down. I'm not including the room as a component, but if I did, it would be at the top.
Agree 100% with Karls and the others that said speakers, If you count the room as a component, then it's the room hands down.