I want peoples opinions on best ac conditioners

I own a P500 and am looking for advice if to upgrade and if so what to upgrade to. I hear the Audio Magic Stealth and the Shunyata Hydra are supposed to be awesome. The only thing is I like the concept of regenerated constant power.Does constant voltage and/or regenerated power make a significant difference or would a conditioner as the ones I've stated above or similar be a better choice?
I most definitely agree with Sutts on the BPT's. I purchased a 2.0 with bybee's through Walter and the improvement in dynamics/staging for this east coast apt. dweller was amazing. I added the high current filter later on and highly recommend it as an upgrade. This was my second item bought through Walter!
MY two cents: Remember the goal is to provide your equipment (especially the front end) with AC power that it was designed for. This means a clean sign wave with nminimal or no harmonic distortion AND get rid of any equipment induced noise/distortion within the system.

Suggest you combine Exactpower EP-15A or 20A with Equi=tech 2Q or 2RQw/OFC. This works absolutely wonders top to bottom just like the adds say! Stan
you heard right ...audio magic gets my vote...tell Jerry that Cleon sent you...