Tube ---- Ei 12ax7

Does anyone have experience with these tubes?

I have a Jolida JD-100 and experimenting with tubes. I think I want to try these tubes next, but before I plunk down my cash for these bottles I thought I might ask for experiences or opinions.

So far I have tried.....

EH 12ax7
Vintage RCA 5751 triple mica black plates
JAN GE 5751 grey plates

Its somewhat of a tossup right now between the RCA 5751s and the EH 12ax7s.

The RCAs give great bass (for a tube) and smooth dynamic sound with good seperation.

The EH 12ax7s give awesome mids/vocals with a soundstage that goes to the neighbors house, but they are a little bass light.

Any and all inputs are kindly appreciated.
Zaikesman, hello. Have you had the opportunity to give the Ei KT90s a listen in your amplifier? If you, we are curious to your impressions. Take care, Joe
Joe, this unfortunately didn't work out from a technical standpoint. I'll be updating the original thread.
Since some of you may still be using this tube, I'll mention that Ram Labs carries them, the pre-war Yugos and as usual very well tested for noise, section matches, etc. I use them in my Music Reference RM10 without a glitch, in that application I just use the standard grade, quiet enough in an amp driver stage, but he also has them suitable for phonostages.