Do you have a dedicated listening room?

Is your system in a room by itself or do you have to make compromises with other things in the room?

How have you compromised with things you have to keep in the same room? Right now I use a basement room for my listening room. 75% of the room is just for the system, but behind and to the right of my listening chair is a weight bench and some other work-out gear. I don't think it affects the sound very much, but...
I've got a small dedicated room in the basement. Smaller than I'd like but it isolates the room from my wife's "stuff". Problem is her habits are rubbing off on me and I tend to collect "stuff" in the room! I just cleaned out some of it, we'll see how long that lasts!
I wish!

Still having to share it with the Living Room. My equipment, both stereo and HT, dominate it, but still, it is the main entertainment room in the house, as it has the nice leather furniture, bookcases, and media storage. However, ever thing is out of the way of the speakers, except for the coffee table, which I tend to move whenever I do serious listening. (It has actually been sitting off to the side for the last month. I guess my wife is just used to it there now.)

Our little girl, age 3, loves my big screen so much, that she refuses to watch her movies on her TV. I don't mind sharing the room, I just wish I had two rooms, one for the stereo and one for the HT.

Oh well, at least the wife hasn't divorced me for spending tens of thousands of dollars on the new equipment in the last three years.
I almost had a dedicated room built 5 years ago. The uncertain job market stopped me. I guess I'm stuck forever with a truly awful living room with flexing floors and plenty of slap echo. I'd take a basement with a weight bench any day. The listening room continues to be one of those unattainable components for me.